HomeFAQAuction Engines

Auction Engines

Important: The auction engine cannot be changed if you have any live auctions. You must wait till all your auctions end to change the engine.

The plugin comes with three auction engines built-in.

1. Proxy Engine

This is the default engine and works like the following example:

  • John enters a Maximum Bid of $20 on an auction with a starting bid of $10.
  • John is currently winning the auction at $10, the starting bid.
  • Mary places her Maximum Bid of $40, but since John had bid only up to $20 he is now beaten by Mary’s bid.
  • The current bid is now $20 with Mary winning.
  • John decides to bid $30, the most he is willing to pay, and enters it.
  • Since Mary had entered $40 as her Maximum Bid her current bid price will increase to match John’s Maximum Bid of $30.
  • Therefore the current bid now goes up to $30, and Mary continues to win.
  • The auction closes soon at $30 with Mary winning.

2. Simple Engine

Bids are accepted as is.

  • John bids $20 on an auction with a starting bid of $10.
  • The current bid is now $20.
  • Mary decides to bid $40, the current bid is now $40 and she is winning.
  • Bidding continues till the auction is over.

3. Reverse Engine

Bids are accepted in reverse. This type of auction is best used for services where you want your winner to provide some service at a lower rate.

  • John bids $19 on an auction with a starting bid of $20.
  • The current bid is now $19 and John is winning.
  • Mary bids $18.50, the current bid is now $18.50 as Mary is willing to pay less.
  • Mary wins the auction once time is up as John does not want to go below $19.

4. Quick bidding

The quick bidding is just another name for a regular sale, so this isn’t an auction but more a “buy now”

Posted in: General