Very Important: You can only place ONE auction per Post/Page. If you want to show a list of auctions in a Page, try our List Widget add-on.
Tip: Use the < !-- more -- > tag from the editor to separate content and auction forms for your, home, archive and search pages. If you show more than one bid form per page the bids will probably not be accepted properly. By doing so your users will not get confused by viewing all auction bids forms at once on one very long page.
- First, you need to add your auction.
- Create a new Post or Page, and embed the auction by using the custom panel that shows all your live auctions in a drop down or by using the custom shortcode [wpauction id=”1″ /] where 1 is the auction ID.
- Click on the “Bind Post to Auction” button and you’re done.
The Sidebar Widget and List Widget will now direct all your bidders to this Post/Page for bidding and getting updates on the auction.
Posted in: General